/* Remember to compile try: 1) gcc hi.c -o hi -lX11 2) gcc hi.c -I /usr/include/X11 -L /usr/X11/lib -lX11 3) gcc hi.c -I /where/ever -L /who/knows/where -l X11 Brian Hammond 2/9/96. Feel free to do with this as you will! */ /* include the X library headers */ #include #include #include /* include some silly stuff */ #include /* here are our X variables */ Display *dis; int screen; Window win; GC gc; /* here are our X routines declared! */ void init_x(); void close_x(); void redraw(); main () { XEvent event; /* the XEvent declaration !!! */ KeySym key; /* a dealie-bob to handle KeyPress Events */ char text[255]; /* a char buffer for KeyPress Events */ init_x(); /* look for events forever... */ while(1) { /* get the next event and stuff it into our event variable. Note: only events we set the mask for are detected! */ XNextEvent(dis, &event); if (event.type==Expose && event.xexpose.count==0) { /* the window was exposed redraw it! */ redraw(); } if (event.type==KeyPress) { key = XKeycodeToKeysym(dis, event.xkey.keycode, 0); if (key=='q') { close_x(); } printf("You pressed the %c key!\n",key); } if (event.type==ButtonPress) { /* tell where the mouse Button was Pressed */ int x=event.xbutton.x, y=event.xbutton.y; strcpy(text,"X is FUN!"); XSetForeground(dis,gc,rand()%event.xbutton.x%255); XDrawString(dis,win,gc,x,y, text, strlen(text)); } } } void init_x() { /* get the colors black and white (see section for details) */ unsigned long black,white; dis=XOpenDisplay((char *)0); screen=DefaultScreen(dis); black=BlackPixel(dis,screen), white=WhitePixel(dis, screen); win=XCreateSimpleWindow(dis,DefaultRootWindow(dis),0,0, 300, 300, 5,black, white); XSetStandardProperties(dis,win,"Howdy","Hi",None,NULL,0,NULL); XSelectInput(dis, win, ExposureMask|ButtonPressMask|KeyPressMask); gc=XCreateGC(dis, win, 0,0); XSetBackground(dis,gc,white); XSetForeground(dis,gc,black); XClearWindow(dis, win); XMapRaised(dis, win); }; void close_x() { XFreeGC(dis, gc); XDestroyWindow(dis,win); XCloseDisplay(dis); exit(1); }; void redraw() { XClearWindow(dis, win); };